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Showing posts from August 30, 2020

From the Archives: Above Silicon Valley

 Well, it's still Pandemic time here. So I have fewer opportunities to create more material. When I can I'm hoping to highlight some of my favorite content from the good old days before the attack of the Orange Monster and the resulting disaster that keeps us cowering inside for a year. So here are some photos of Silicon Valley from above. These photos are a combination of photos from a few highrises I was able to get access to, as well as from the hills on either side of The Valley. Enjoy! Thanks for viewing! (all images copyright M Halberstadt)

Feeling Polish

 This is another post in the Corona Era revisiting previous photos. In search of a unique way of making images, one trick I came up with was photographing using a 15' painter's pole. It's not as high as a drone. But the image quality from my good mirrorless cameras is better. And the difference of perspective doesn't hit you over the head. Also, this style of photography isn't limited by the FAA and I can walk around urban areas with my setup. So I've put together a gallery here to share of some of these. Hope you enjoy! -mike (all photos copyright M Halberstadt)