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Showing posts with the label Oakland

Gigapixel Infrared Photos of Mills College in Oakland

For the last four years or so, I've been working in the Photo/Art department at Mills College in Oakland, California. Mills has been in the news due to financial problems and ultimately due to being purchased by Northeastern University. I have no idea how much longer I have a job there. So I thought it might be good to start documenting the beautiful campus while I am there.  So sometimes on breaks or my days off, I'll photograph around campus. Also, it's a good place to test certain gear. Prior to taking the job, I'd done a lot of stitched panoramas. I stopped, in part just because I ran out of bandwith. My job was supposed to be half time, but in reality it took more, which left little time for my other endeavors.  At some point in a discussion I ended up suggesting somebody try stitched panos to increase resolution. And I figured it was time to pull out my trusty old Gigapan. But not to make things too mundane, I thought why not try and combine stitched panos and my

From the Archives: Above Silicon Valley

 Well, it's still Pandemic time here. So I have fewer opportunities to create more material. When I can I'm hoping to highlight some of my favorite content from the good old days before the attack of the Orange Monster and the resulting disaster that keeps us cowering inside for a year. So here are some photos of Silicon Valley from above. These photos are a combination of photos from a few highrises I was able to get access to, as well as from the hills on either side of The Valley. Enjoy! Thanks for viewing! (all images copyright M Halberstadt)